Summit Comments


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The following are comments from men who have attended our Summits.

What did you get out of the day?

  • Networking with other powerful men not focused on what we do, but who we are
  • Affirming that I am not alone as a Black Man who wants progress in my family and community
  • Being able to be unapologetically me and being able to share without censure or filter
  • That I am not the only man thinking about changing his community, household and life
  • The opportunity to open up in a safe space; it really is a restart on the psyche
  • Seeing that we have power as Black Men
  • The session was great! Just continue what you are doing

What would you like to see us cover at future Summits?

  • How to become better role models to reach and mentor young Black Men
  • Legacy and passing on to the next generation
  • Having each person share their area of expertise – and how the group can support them
  • Investing in the Black community economically
  • How do we continue to move forward? How do we get Black people to continue to fight for themselves like they did in the 60’s and 70’s?
  • Fatherhood
  • Ways of supporting our Black Women
  • Economic empowerment

General comments

  • We must spread the message to the masses…there are plenty of Brothers in need of this outlet
  • This was very empowering
  • We need more frequent opportunities to engage
  • I have attended a lot of Black Male focused events, but this was really special
  • I am willing to do whatever it takes to make this (whatever it becomes) work!